TREON - Powerful Technology In A Completely Decentralized And Secure Way.

Treon brings crypto revolution to Utility Payments
Treon (TXO) is an Ethereum blockchain-based utility token and e-wallet for paying utility bills using a robust technology in a completely decentralised and secure fashion.
Treon (TXO) is an Ethereum blockchain-based utility token and e-wallet for paying utility bills using a robust technology in a completely decentralised and secure fashion.
The utilities sector has had intermittent customer-centric innovations over the years. Disruptive blockchain technology utilised by the TXO e-wallet offers vast opportunities for utility providers to drive cost-efficiency and increase profitability while giving consumers greater control over their usage and wider financial inclusion and convenience. With Treon, we will make your utility bill payments a convenient one-click experience — anytime, anywhere.
Treon (TXO) is focused on providing an exciting value-added service that will simplify the utility management and payment process like never before: consumers will effect their payments instantly using a simple consolidated dashboard.
Moreover, Treon (TXO) is on its way to bring a large number of new users into the crypto space by connecting billions of utility customers to the blockchain. Our vision is to reach a point in the near future where utility consumers around the world use the Treon token (TXO) as their currency of choice and preferred payment tool. We are set to convince utility companies to accept Treon tokens (TXO) from customers because it is faster, more secure, and less costly to operate and use.
$ 5 Trillion + Utilities Markets Size
$ 4 Billion + Treon Opportunity
1.6 Billion + Households Worldwide
Treon’s business model is based on multiple revenue streams coming from different utility services, mainly from distribution margins, transaction fees and platform usage fees. Treon (TXO) will realise healthy margins while delivering significant savings to utility providers.
Treon’s business model is based on multiple revenue streams coming from different utility services, mainly from distribution margins, transaction fees and platform usage fees. Treon (TXO) will realise healthy margins while delivering significant savings to utility providers.
Treon gives back rewards to customers against using TXO tokens to make adoption and usage much more appealing. Additionally, such savings will be the catalyst for utility companies to move their cross — trade contracts to the blockchain in order to cost-effectively manage their business dealings.
Through the consolidation of the above margins and fees, Treon business model is built to address a growing global market and be a true partner to utility providers, bringing real value to consumers and providers alike.

With one click of a button, you will be able to purchase (TXO) tokens, view your usage and effect your payment for all your utilities anywhere in the world. Combining the ease of using a single interface through multiple payment options to settle bills of different Utility companies on one dashboard.
With one click of a button, you will be able to purchase (TXO) tokens, view your usage and effect your payment for all your utilities anywhere in the world. Combining the ease of using a single interface through multiple payment options to settle bills of different Utility companies on one dashboard.
A decentralised utility payment gateway and processing wallet app that are built for all customers around the world including the unbanked, with a consolidated and simple smartphone app to manage and pay all your due payments across various utility accounts.
A decentralised utility payment gateway and processing wallet app that are built for all customers around the world including the unbanked, with a consolidated and simple smartphone app to manage and pay all your due payments across various utility accounts.
Treon will ensure the integrity and security of the e-wallet using Ethereum blockchain smart contracts acting like multi-signature wallets (multisig). We partnered with multiple cryptocurrency wallet experts to provide Treon (TXO) users with the best experience of the crypto ecosystem.
Treon will ensure the integrity and security of the e-wallet using Ethereum blockchain smart contracts acting like multi-signature wallets (multisig). We partnered with multiple cryptocurrency wallet experts to provide Treon (TXO) users with the best experience of the crypto ecosystem.
Token Symbol : Treon (TXO)
What is Treon? Treon is a token based mobile dashboard and wallet solution for utility bill payments, specially designed for the billions of customers using public utilities to settle their bills using blockchain smart contract technology. Treon is a new form of private, instant, verified and reliable transaction.
Total Supply : 1,000,000,000 Billion
Allocation : 429.7 Million
Soft Cap : 4 Million USD
Hard cap : 25 Million USD
Currency : ETH, BTC
Over 5.0 billion people around the globe are advanced mobile users. It has become the single most important lifeline to connect, conduct business, entertain, buy & sell and pay through the course of our daily lives.
Token Symbol : Treon (TXO)
What is Treon? Treon is a token based mobile dashboard and wallet solution for utility bill payments, specially designed for the billions of customers using public utilities to settle their bills using blockchain smart contract technology. Treon is a new form of private, instant, verified and reliable transaction.
Total Supply : 1,000,000,000 Billion
Allocation : 429.7 Million
Soft Cap : 4 Million USD
Hard cap : 25 Million USD
Currency : ETH, BTC
Over 5.0 billion people around the globe are advanced mobile users. It has become the single most important lifeline to connect, conduct business, entertain, buy & sell and pay through the course of our daily lives.
Treon (TXO) will use the mobile phone as the bridge for customers to harness the power of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. According to the World Bank and GSMA, 3.8 billions of all global mobile users are unbanked. Treon token (TXO) aims to bridge the digital divide for the unbanked, giving them opportunities to participate in the ever-growing online space.
The real opportunity of this fast-moving digital economy is yet to be fully explored across the different utility sectors. The growth and market potential are in the trillions of US dollars across telecom, electricity, natural gas, green energy and water sectors.
Treon (TXO) is poised to seize scalable and sustainable growth opportunities in these sectors over the next 5 years.
Opportunities in Telecom
Telecom utilities are at a more advanced stage in offering consumers digital solutions to enhance their experience. Treon will target telecom companies first to be the early adopters of the token and digital tool. According to GSMA, 2018 global telecom revenues from consumers are projected at USD 1.05 trillion, out of which USD 105 billion are revenues from online channels, i.e., online sales of top-ups and recharges.
Telecom utilities are at a more advanced stage in offering consumers digital solutions to enhance their experience. Treon will target telecom companies first to be the early adopters of the token and digital tool. According to GSMA, 2018 global telecom revenues from consumers are projected at USD 1.05 trillion, out of which USD 105 billion are revenues from online channels, i.e., online sales of top-ups and recharges.
Telecom operators’ revenues will reach USD 1.1 trillion annually by 2019 (as per GSMA report). Almost 80% of the revenues are generated from selling airtime while 20% are revenues from interconnect and roaming services.
Today, 10% of consumer revenues come from online payment channels (through websites or mobile apps), while 90% come from traditional physical payment channels. Online telecom revenues are evidently growing at an increasing rate. Treon (TXO) is targeting online telecom revenues to penetrate, expand, and acquire its fair share. With a conservative forecast of reaching a market share of 1.5% of online telecom airtime revenues, Treon (TXO) aims to capture up to USD 1.26 Billion worth of transactions on its platform by the end of 2023.
Additionally, Treon (TXO) aims to digitise the industry’s interconnect and roaming agreements and migrate them to smart contracts on the Blockchain. The annual volume of business-to- business (B2B) interoperability agreements amounted in 2017 to USD 200 billion, as per GSMA. Treon (TXO) aspires to acquire 1.5% market share of these transactions and witness up to USD 420 Million worth of transactions on its platform by the end of 2023.
Opportunities in Electricity and Water
In 2017, electricity generated around USD 2.0 trillion of revenues, out of which USD 650 billion came from household consumers (business to consumer market). Our vision is to grab a considerable share of the online payment of household consumption through Treon’s Utilities Wallet and TXO token.
In 2017, electricity generated around USD 2.0 trillion of revenues, out of which USD 650 billion came from household consumers (business to consumer market). Our vision is to grab a considerable share of the online payment of household consumption through Treon’s Utilities Wallet and TXO token.
Like telecom utilities, electricity companies sign agreements amongst similar providers to split revenues generated from shared infrastructure and networks. These business-to- business revenues are estimated to reach around USD 1.87 trillion. Treon (TXO) aims to grasp a large share of the ‘Digital Interoperability Agreements’ for the electricity sector through its blockchain smart contracts.
Water utilities, on the other hand, generated USD 140 billion in 2017 from household consumption only. Treon (TXO) is determined to secure a significant market share of the ’Digital Payments for Water Utilities’ through its Utility Wallet using TXO tokens.
Additionally, Treon is aiming to grasp a fair share of revenues resulting from digitising interoperability agreements on the blockchain with estimated transactions on the Treon platform reaching up to USD 2.6 billion.
Opportunities in Natural Gas
Natural gas utilities generated USD 350 billion from consumers’ usage in 2017. Treon’s business-to-consumer vision is to capture a considerable share of ’Digital Payment for Gas Utilities’ bull market through its Utilities Wallet and TXO tokens. The total consumer market is expected to soar up to USD 437 billion by 2023.
Natural gas utilities generated USD 350 billion from consumers’ usage in 2017. Treon’s business-to-consumer vision is to capture a considerable share of ’Digital Payment for Gas Utilities’ bull market through its Utilities Wallet and TXO tokens. The total consumer market is expected to soar up to USD 437 billion by 2023.
Like telecom and electric utilities, natural gas companies sign wheeling and distribution agreements amongst similar providers to share revenues generated from shared infrastructure and networks. The estimated transactions volume amongst utilities via cross-trade agreements are estimated to reach USD 1.75 trillion by 2023. Treon (TXO) is poised to capture a considerable market share of the revenues resulting from digitising the Interoperability Agreements’ for the energy sector through its blockchain smart contracts.
Q1 2017 : Start of Ideation and planning
Q4 2017 : Technical architecture and prototype build
Q1 2018 : ICO planning & preparations
Q4 2018 : Enlist Tokens on Crypto exchanges
Q1 2019 : Onboarding Telecom Providers
Q4 2019 : Agreements with Telecom top-up distributors
Q1 2020 : Agreements with payment gateways
Q4 2020 : Onboarding Electricity companies
Q1 2021 : Smart Contracts for Natural gas companies
Q4 2021 : Onboarding of water Utility companies
Q1 2022 : Telecom reseller Agreement rollout
Q4 2022 : Close all utility providers reseller agreement
Q1 2017 : Start of Ideation and planning
Q4 2017 : Technical architecture and prototype build
Q1 2018 : ICO planning & preparations
Q4 2018 : Enlist Tokens on Crypto exchanges
Q1 2019 : Onboarding Telecom Providers
Q4 2019 : Agreements with Telecom top-up distributors
Q1 2020 : Agreements with payment gateways
Q4 2020 : Onboarding Electricity companies
Q1 2021 : Smart Contracts for Natural gas companies
Q4 2021 : Onboarding of water Utility companies
Q1 2022 : Telecom reseller Agreement rollout
Q4 2022 : Close all utility providers reseller agreement
Treon team was selected on the cultural foundations of Innovation, trust, transparency, and simplicity being our core corporate values and are embedded in everything we do. Our organization structure is flat to ensure speed of execution in a fast-moving space. Each member has worked and lead multicultural, multidisciplinary, and adaptive teams that achieved tech innovations in challenging markets.
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