SKYFchain - The Great Market And Vision For Unmanned Logistic

Hi guys , proportion of logictic industry always take a larger part of whole industry in the world , but in recent years logistic field have many changes in their technology , especially unmanned robot that used to deliver groceries . And this is perfect when they integrate with blockchain technology , this will help everything operate faster , clearer ,.... There is a ICO project that pervade to this delicous market , moreover , their vision for their long term strategy is very good . Now , i will illustrate you the big market and their vision for their project .
- According to PWC estimation , the total addressable value of drone powered solutions to be in all applicable industries is $127 bliion dollar . Exponential investments growth into the sector has already began. the service market size for SKYF drone in agriculture, logistics, and infrastructure (see Annex 4 for details) is 100 billion dollar . During the first three years it is expected that SKYFchain would service clients of SKYF drones in these industries. Despite high demand, none of the commercially available drone solutions fully satisfy the market needs. Market expansion of SKYF drones would allow for development and testing of the SKYFchain platform before inviting other industry participants.
- SKYFchain market , they mainly operate in Russia , Kazakhstan , Canada , South America , Northern Europe , Australia , New Zealand , United State . They also have manybig clients , SKYF received letters of intent from several big oil & gas companies (NGK Slavneft, PAO SIBUR Holding) and agricultural industry (Syngenta AG, Avgust Crop Protection, Rusagro Group, Prodimex), willing to use the SKYF drone services.
SKYFCHAIN TEAM'S VISION AND FUTURE STEPS - SKYFchain OP will invite experts from the logistics industry from all over the world to become part of the development community. SKYFchain OP project team includes leading aviation industry experts, blockchain specialists and international business professionals. The SKYF drone initial testing market will be the developing countries agricultural and logistics sectors – a multi-billion-dollar market on its own. From year 2021 onwards it’ll start expansion to the US and European markets.
- After that they will develop sales of SKYF drone will be to create a franchise model in AsiaPac in associate with a local partner. Hence, we are not looking at the US market as a priority because of its intense regulations. Nonetheless, we have noted that the demand in other markets is huge for the next 5 – 10 years. The demand for SKYFT tokens is expected to multiply with each new connected drone, an autonomous truck or ship. Increasing global reach of SKYFchain will lead to an exponential increasein the number of cargo robots and other stakeholders in the system
- They will launch the air-borne drones, after that SKYFchain will invite other cargo robots, unmanned trucks, unmanned ships, and later unmanned passenger vehicles. They are planning to invite air-borne drones from 2020 onwards, and sea-borne and ground-borne robots starting from 2022 onwards. According to Abhimanyu Raheja, an analyst at BIS Research, "the overall number of automatedvehicles is expected to reach more than 110 million by the end of 2026." Exane BNP Paribas is giving lower, but also promising projections of 40 millions automated vehicles of all types in 2026.
Hope you guys can have a further visionfor this projet , it is a long term road map , if you are true investor , hold this project token in several years , it will bring you huge profit .
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