There are billions of lives with a common necessity self defense against the
predators. Karate, too was born out of this human need that has evolved over
Evolution of Karate dates back to Before Christ era. It is believed that Bodhidharma
(Daruma Daishi in Japanese and Ta-mo in Chinese) significantly contributed in its
evolution from India to China and subsequently to Okinawa where the art evolved
as Shuri-te, Naha-te and Tomari-te. Evolution process further continued in mainland
Japan in 1930s where it was finally termed as Karate-do or the art of empty hand.
Amateur and Professional Karate
Amateur Karate is defined as a sport where athletes have to bear all expenses
related with their training and participation in tournaments in most of the countries. Professional Karate is defined as martial sport where athletes receive huge
remuneration for their performance at tournaments. Professional athleticism has
come to the fore through a combination of developments. Mass Media and increased
leisure have brought larger audiences, so that sports organizations or teams can
command large incomes. As a result, more sportspeople can afford to make
athleticism their primary career, devoting the training time necessary to increase
skills, physical condition, and experience to modern levels of achievement
The team of professional experts is set to convert dream of over 190 million
communities into reality. From ideation to developing contents, from creativity to
planning and most effective deliverables, we partner and contribute in professional
management of sports, sponsorship, TV Broadcast, Internet Broadcast, Software &
Game Development, Apps Development and on-site Event organization globally.
Expertise of our team shall significantly contribute in developing very sound ecosystem
around multiple verticals.
World Karate
Karate as Sports
Gichin Funakoshi (Father of modern Karate) said, “There are no contests in
karate.”In pre–World War II Okinawa, kumite was not part of karate
training. Shigeru Egami relates that, in 1940, some karateka were ousted from
their dojo because they adopted sparring after having learned it in Tokyo.
The Traditional Fudokan Karate was founded in 1980 by Prof.Dr. Ilija Jorga together
with several similarly-minded people, forming the International Fudokan Karate do
Renmei. Since 2012, the organization is known as the World Fudokan Federation.
(World Union of Karate-Do Organizations): In the early 1990s, Nishiyama’s
refusal to align his ITKF organization with the World Union of Karate-Do
Organizations (WUKO) caused the International Olympic Committee to suspend its
recognition of WUKO as amateur karate’s international governing body. The ITKF
and WUKO had been due to merge and form a unified karate organization, but this
did not eventuate. The WUKO eventually became the World Union of Karate-Do
Federations in late 2008.
(World Professional Karate Corporation) is the international governing body
for Professional Karate. This organisation was founded by Dr. (Prof) Ilija Jorga (10th
Dan, founder of Fudokan and WFF), Dr. (Prof) Vladimir Jorga (9th Dan, Dean of UN
University of Peace ECPD, Director – IKTF) & Sensei Rajeev Sinha (8th Dan,
Director of WFF & IPKC).
Description of Problem
Karate as Sports is popular enough in the world. The community including Karate
Students, Practitioner, and Teachers/Trainers & Academy staff is more than 190
million worldwide. To bring all together in a system will require a strong fund
management systemwhich generate revenue from different sources (e.g.
member/student registration, tournament sponsorship, event sponsorship,
advertisement…) & fulfill the fund requirement to entire system involve by relevant
methods (e.g staff salary, event & tournament expense, health insurance & welfare
of athletes, prize money & advertisement).
The art known as Karate comes from the teaching of the ancient masters who
educate their pupil ‘the technique’ to strengthen their physical, mental & moral
strength. Unlike other games (e.g cricket, football, tennis …) it can’t be auto driven by
rules & students can start even without coach. Every karate player/student must
require a trainer/teacher who guide the basics & shape them as per their physical
& mental status.
Platform Plans to Unite World Karate Community Through Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
Global karate organization BoutsPro aims to bring together an estimated 190-mln strong karate community by using Blockchain. As there are so many different styles of karate, there are many different governing organizations (Such as ITKF, WKF and WFF) overseeing tournaments and rankings.Global karate organization BoutsPro aims to bring together an estimated 190-mln strong karate community by using Blockchain. As there are so many different styles of karate, there are many different governing organizations (Such as ITKF, WKF and WFF) overseeing tournaments and rankings.

As a result, BoutsPro has launched their own crypto token (BOUTS, type ERC20) based on Ethereum Blockchain technology (1 ETH = 9,000 BOUTS). The ICO began on March 11th (no presale or private sale– the team would like to emphasize that it has a focus on equal opportunity) and will continue until March 25th.
There are extensive ways for holders to utilize their tokens. The centralized portal of BoutsPro will allow users to access lots of karate information relevant to them, such as details on ranking and tournaments, plus access to training tips. Tickets to events can also be purchased online using BOUTS. Private clubs and teams (to participate in the World Professional Karate League) will be franchised and sold on the revenue share module.

Other developments include BoutsPro TV (in partnership with QuickMedia and Pozetta Broadcasters) featuring live streaming and on-demand services for users. They aim to be creating content by later on in 2018. Relating to this are their plans to enter film production. Inspired by the success of martial arts titles such as ‘Karate Kid,’ BoutsPro hope to produce ‘one world class movie based on karate, per year.’ Users can also exchange BOUTS for participation in the dedicated online gaming platform, which aims to ‘provide healthy entertainment and educate basics of karate to the common people as well athletes.’ Finally, BoutsPro is planning to create world-class stadiums and dojos around the world for their members, as well as launching specialized sports insurance for BoutsPro athletes.
More Information :
Bitcoin Profil :
FB : BoutsPro
Twitter : @BoutsPro
Author : Ansul
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