Rateonium - Incentivised Rating Platform on Blockchain Network
Overview : It is a blockchain based network which is based on the users rating and reviews, aiming to avoid marketing manipulations by providing fair remuneration to the customers One of the most effective and efficient way of advertising is “word of mouth” generally people make their first impressions by other persons experience with the company service or goods. After revolution of technology, companies have started seeking the feedbacks in the form of reviews, and they are trying different innovative ways to analyse the customer opinions. Problem: Even though there are many ways to take the feedback form customers, still it has some drawbacks in genuine rating system such as difficulties in daily use, lack of anonymity may lead to problem to the customer, misuse of customer data and one more major drawback is customers will not get any rewards for their fair ratings, businesses also has some concerns with it such as lack of incentivization system, and verification system. Busi...